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martes, 27 de enero de 2015


You can't find Swadloon in Omega Ruby, but if you have a Shiny Sewaddle you can evolve it.

Sewaddle evolve into Swadloon at level 20
Swadloon evolve into a Leavanny when leveled up with frienship

This is my Sewaddle evolved into a Swadloon

Level 25

Nature: Timid (+ Speed - Attack)

Ability: Leaf Guard (Prevents status conditions in sunny weather)

Object: Mental Herb (Removes the effects of infatuation, taunt, encore, torment, disabled and cursed body)


Agility (Psychic)
Protect (Normal)
Bug Bite (Bug)
Razor Leaf (Grass)

Next Shiny Tomorrow: Dewgong

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